Developing software has been one of the most growing field of all time and nowadays is either easier and challenging.

It’s easier because you can rely on powerful tools, I develop using c# and its improvement is off scale, but it’s challenging too because in order to float over this magma we need to keep up with all these “new technologies” to check if we can benefit from them or not.

Definitely a lot of passion, dedication and discipline.

To me a turning point was unveiling the Clean Code where I found substantially many of my ideas gathered and expressed way better than I would have been able to.. and while I see folks up there claiming it, and they are skilled and I learn and keep learning a lot of tips from them, sometimes I feel a little bit off track…

It’s not the technical part most of the time it’s the common sense, yes avoiding using acronyms intentionally in here.

Simplification is not just while building fundamentals but should spread across the whole project.

Too often I see that naming is missing, proper terms are missing, and pragmatism is everywhere… but why ?

What I learned is not to focus too much on frameworks, not to rely too much on DB, but to write code understandable even after long time, using simple terms, adding explanatory variables, and tests, yes tests bunch of tests, what to test, how to test and I believe this is still in progress but you feel when you’re on the right path

So I think I learnt how to be more technical, behaving not technically

I learned how to apply concepts not skills… and yes sometimes may be my code could be written in a shorter form but what would be the point if it gets harder to read ?

My goal is to provide reliable testable and comprehensive code in such a manner that it keeps to be readable and maintainable along the lifespan of a project and I do believe that Clean Architecture is a way to make it… Cross language. Cross platform. Cross framework…
