Async – Await
April 30, 2023
Here’s some of the most useful links I found as of today. Very interesting clips clarifying all the aspects of this very common topic. More content here1
Ranked #1
Six Essential Tips For Async – Introduction – Lucian Wischik
Back to Basics: Efficient Async and Await – Filip Ekberg – NDC London 2022
Nick’s never missing
8 await async mistakes that you SHOULD avoid in .NET
Here shows, among other very useful stuff, how to put async methods in a constructor, basically using an async class factory method.
Making async code run faster in C#
This shows apart the using of parallel await how to handle exceptions thrown by more than one call.. Very useful.
Settling the Biggest Await Async Debate in .NET
This is about when using Task straight rather than wrapping in the async state machine. Finally using async help for handling exceptions but slighter worse performance. Recap: You can avoid when chaining calls.
Stop using async void in C#! Do this instead.
Here’s a couple of basic Tim Coreys
Tim’s communication skills should be taught in every school. He has the ability to break down any complex topic into its basic components and I love to listen to him cuz even on topics I master he can add some unknown shade of information.
C# Async / Await – Make your app more responsive and faster with asynchronous programming
C# Advanced Async – Getting progress reports, cancelling tasks, and more
Other resources
C# Async Yield Return: IAsyncEnumerable will change your life!!!
Introduction to Async Streams in the Real World
Excellent demo from Microsoft
- David Fowley github docs ↩︎